Saturday, April 9, 2011

Embryo Report

I only have a few moments to post, but wanted to update everyone. As of this morning, we have five embryos. The dr was very happy with this number, since many of the 10 eggs were not mature. He said that five embryos is great for someone with high FSH like mine. They will call us Monday with another report, and instructions as to whether we will transfer them that day, or on Wednesday. I'll keep you posted. Thank you for your continued prayers!


  1. WOW 5 is so awesome!! YAY! Keeping growing and thriving little babies!!

  2. Yay for 5 embies!!!!! Can't wait to hear the update on Monday :)

  3. It is really not fun at all to face with thyroid deficiency. My advise is to find an endocrinologist and take some natural thyroid for your health.
