Monday, March 28, 2011

Baker's Dozen

This would be a great number of eggs to have...a Baker's Dozen! We started our "stim" meds tonight....time to make the eggs! My ovaries will soon feel like bowling balls, but it will all be worth it :)

Also started blood thinners tonight. WOW! I can feel the tips of my fingers and toes for the first time in a long time...if not the first time ever! The circulation is already better. This may be another solution to my own health issues, not just the pregnancy issues. God is more answer!

That's all I have for now, I go in to check my Estrogen levels on Thursday...can't wait to hear how things are progressing. Just 6 more days til my first ultrasound!

Ta-ta for now, I'll keep you posted :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jennie..I whole-heartedly second the blood thinners. They were amazing for me. A baker's dozen is a good number! I'm hoping for that next time too!!
