Thank you everyone for your prayers. God is hearing our prayers, and blessing us daily!
Good news! I got my blood test results back from Friday. When they didn't see the development they were looking for, they drew blood. Basically looking to see if the numbers dropped. They expected the numbers to be less than the 2,448 they were last week, which would confirm their suspicion that the pregnancy will not continue. Well, my number was 10,475!!!!!
The nurse basically said that the dr saw that number and said "Well, we must have calculated her due date wrong." That's it???? After that emotional roller coaster this weekend, all I get is an "oops"?!?!?!?! Oh well, we'll take the good news in any form it comes in:)
So, she said this is acting like a totally healthy pregnancy based on the numbers, so I must just be one week behind where they thought I was.
Again, thank you for your prayers. Please continue praying. I have been praying and singing God's praises this entire time. I know God has His Hand in this, and continues to show me He is with us:) I'll keep you posted!
Beta #1 - 4/22 - 66
Beta #2 - 4/24 - 187
Beta #3 - 4/29 - 1,487
Beta #4 - 5/1 - 2,448
Beta #5 - 5/8 - 10,475
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness. And all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33
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