Fork in the Road
Please send prayers our way!!
Well, it's decision time again for the Broxton family. Before I explain our current position, let me update everyone on the last year.
After our ivf didn't work in April of 2011, we decided to take a break from TTC (trying to conceive). Al's dad was very sick in the hospital for a few months, and required around the clock care, so we were exhausted, and hardly saw each other for over a month. That's why I had no idea that I could be pregnant...and realized I was late about 8 days after I should have. I was definitely pregnant, however, my body was attacking it again, and unfortunately, it ended in a miscarriage.
Since then, we have not had any activity in the "baby" department. We have been living our lives to the fullest, and focusing on improving my health.
We have been discussing the possibility of adoption. I have even had a few dreams about this that seem to be leading me in this direction. My concerns are more of the child(ren) that we may adopt, and their feelings toward their biological families. I am doing a lot of research and prayer regarding this, and what is the right path for us.
Also, the option of surrogacy is still out there. We have had a few people offer to help us by carrying our baby, but unfortunately, none of them would pass the health requirements :( But thank you to those of you who have so generously offered!! The main (and really, only) problem we have with surrogacy is the cost. It is the cost of in vitro, PLUS the cost of lawyers, AND the payment to the surrogate herself. The only way we may be able to pull this one off is if the surrogate would do it for little or no cost.
So, we have a lot to think and pray about. For those of you following my blog, I just ask you for your prayers that God will clearly direct our steps to the right path for us to start a family. We are soooo happy for all of our family members and friends who have started their families, but we are ready for it to be our turn....we can't wait to have little ones of our own!